Contact Us

Merivale Physicians

Suite 309
1580 Merivale Road, Ottawa ON
K2G 4B5
tel. 613.226.4030
fax 613.225.3891


Drs. Manzig and Hirsh

Suite 507
1081 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON
K1Y 4G2
tel. 613.729.1165 (Manzig)
tel. 613.728.4605 (Hirsh)
fax 613.380.8189


Drs. Schatz and Issa

Suite 802
1081 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON
K1Y 4G2
tel  613.729.9889 (Schatz)
fax 613.725.1916
tel  613.725.2335 (Issa)
fax 613.212.8755