Our offices remain open at this time. If you have a medical question, or would like to book an appointment with your physician, please call your doctor’s office.

To book your COVID-19 vaccine, please click on the following link, or walk into any public health vaccine clinic.

Do you need your proof of vaccination? If you received your vaccines in Ontario, you can request your electronic proof.
If you received any of your vaccines out-of-province, you need to submit proof of vaccination to Ottawa Public Health.

If you have questions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, or the vaccination plan in Ottawa, please read the following information, or book an appointment to discuss with your family physician. Want more information, or are still unsure about vaccination? VaxFacts may be a helpful resource for you.

If you think you have COVID-19, stay home and isolate for at least 5 days, wear a mask when in public spaces for 10 days and/or contact your family physician’s office for more information.

For questions about whether your child can attend child care or not, please use the Ontario screening tool for school or child care.

What can you do to prevent COVID-19?

The Province of Québec and the City of Gatineau have additional information for their residents posted online.